I had a dream that I crashed a car. Crash a car interpretation of the dream book. Interpretation of Miller's dream book

09.04.2024 Drugs

A broken car in a dream is interpreted in many ways, taking into account even the most insignificant details. The dream book is able to give an answer as to why she is dreaming: does it foretell discord in family life, senseless spending, troubles in business, or the desired news, pregnancy.

Prepare for the Challenge

Why do you dream about your own broken car? The dream book informs you that in the near future expect major troubles. Think over your own plans and options for their implementation as best as possible, so as not to be deceived. Driving a broken car - it’s worth postponing until later the implementation of some ideas - at the moment they are not achievable. It is permissible to implement them with only slight adjustments.

When in a dream the front window of a car breaks during a car accident, the dream warns of troubles on the road. Glass breaking into pieces in a car means: the dreamer will face an unexpected loss. Mirrors are a failure of ideas.

If, as a result of the accident, you later need to replace the broken glass in your car, you will understand your past mistakes and do everything possible to fix everything.

A large number of damaged cars after a car accident in a dream means numerous troubles will surround you on all sides. It is necessary not to give up, but to constantly struggle to find the right way out of this situation - only in this way can you bypass it, or turn it in your direction with its inherent benefit.

Work, profit

Did you dream of someone else's broken car? A sleeping person has a huge number of rivals who want to take a leading position. Working moments under such conditions will drain all the strength from him, thereby causing harm to the family.

Seeing your own car in a dream means: on the way to achieving your plans, some dangerous obstacles will appear. If it can be repaired, according to the dream book, you will be able to overcome all difficulties, and all your plans will be realized. But, if the vehicle cannot be repaired, it is more advisable to abandon the planned ideas, as the losses will be insignificant.

Did you dream about a large number of broken cars? According to the dream book, at the moment there is a high risk of financial loss. The dreamer's enemies will do anything to harm your person and deprive you of money.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

A broken vehicle in a dream does not matter whose it is - a spouse, father or a stranger - promises to lose old friends. In case of disagreements, try to find a compromise solution - there is no need to jeopardize long-term friendly relationships due to minor misunderstandings.

Why dream of looking at your wrecked car from the sidelines while remaining alive after an accident? Successfully prevent conflict with a person who does not share your ideas.

Relationships with loved ones

Why do you dream about your spouse’s broken car? Problems will arise in his life, and you will be to blame for this. You will likely influence your husband to make the wrong decision. For this reason, your spouse will think that you deliberately want to ruin his reputation in the workplace.

If you dreamed that your dad’s car was damaged in addition to your mistake - be prepared for a difficult relationship with him. The action you take will irritate him, and serious misunderstandings are likely due to this.

Favorable Omens

In some cases, a similar dream foreshadows favorable events. As Vanga’s dream book says, looking at a black car after a car accident means positive news. You will receive news about distant relatives who have been living in another country for a long time.

A white car in a dream in a similar state predicts: you will meet old friends and have a nice time with them. Someone else's car in the snow, according to the dream book, indicates the appearance of something new. If there were a large number of such vehicles, expect major updates, even those that you have long dreamed of.

Trying to remove a car from the road in a dream means adding to the family. When you dreamed that it was located in the forest, the spouses would make peace after a major conflict.

Why do you dream about your broken car? The dream book reports: serious difficulties lie ahead. Think carefully about your goals and ways to achieve them so as not to be deceived. To drive it - hold off on implementing your ideas - they are still unattainable. They can be implemented only by correcting them.

If in a dream the windshield breaks during an accident, the vision warns of danger along the way. Glass shattered in a car means: some kind of loss awaits the sleeper. Mirror - collapse of plans.

When, after an accident, you had to replace damaged glass in your car, you will realize your previous mistakes and will correct them.

A lot of broken cars after an accident in a dream means a lot of problems will come from everywhere. You need to fight, look for a way out of the situation - this is the only way to cope with it, and sometimes turn it to your advantage.

Decoding damage

Specific breakdowns of transport as a result of a car accident in a dream are deciphered as follows:

  1. There are scratches, visible dents on the hood - a conflict with relatives will radically change the relationship of family members with each other.
  2. If the headlight is broken, you will be very envied. Most likely, this unsightly feeling will not be hidden from the sleeping person.
  3. A punctured wheel indicates a bad trip.
  4. If you dreamed of a gas tank with a hole, you will incur unexpected expenses and troubles.
  5. The brakes have failed and you can no longer drive - the promise that was given to the dreamer will remain unfulfilled.
  6. If the engine stalls, the planned event will be disrupted.

Dream Interpretation - Car car

It is a mechanical means of transportation, but, unlike a train, tram or bus, the car is driven by the person himself, or his friend or relative, so this image is associated with a functional action that brings pleasure.
In-se associates it with the body or with the immediate environment, thereby indicating its attitude to the behavior of the logical-historical “I”.
Therefore, different models of machines and different ways of using them indicate different patterns of behavior of the Self.
If the subject does not drive the car himself, then this indicates the dominance of a positive or negative influence over him

Why do you dream of crashing a car?

  • If you are actively building a career or occupy a high position, your authority may be undermined in the near future.
  • If your priority at the moment is family, relationships with your loved one, perhaps events will lead to a breakup. Well, or not so radically, just quarrel.
  • If you are a very busy person, your plans may be disrupted or your focus will change.
  • If you are captivated by an idea, the implementation of which is only in plans, you are afraid of missing out on something that does not yet exist. This is, of course, possible, so my advice is not to get attached to just one possible scenario.

In any case, if you are looking for what a broken car means in dreams, the shortest answer is change.

And the events that will follow in the future will require you to make quick decisions. You will not be the cause of what is happening, but you have the power to direct them in the right direction. The authors of many dream books give advice: do not be afraid of drastic changes. If you don’t show the courage to change everything dramatically, you will be an outside observer as what is dear to you disappears. If you dreamed that a car that you didn’t have in reality was stolen, this means that you regret missed opportunities.

If you crashed a car in a dream, what does such a dream mean?

What you should pay attention to.

In a dream you crashed someone else's car

Why do you dream that you crashed someone else's car? Think about what a car is for you? For some it is a sign of luxury, for others it is just a means of transportation, and for others it is still just a dream. In any case, a car breaking down in a dream indicates that you attach great importance to material wealth, you are always worried about your property.

You crashed your husband's car

Why do you dream that you crashed your husband’s car? All your plans may be disrupted, be careful and careful at any time of the day. Most likely, you will be required to react quickly in making decisions that will determine how events will develop in the future.

Try to make decisions that are different from your usual ones. Look at the situation from different points of view. This is what will be the key to success.

Dream about a broken car for a girl

Why does a girl dream about a broken car? For a representative of the fair half of humanity, such a dream speaks of disappointment in the new chosen one. It turns out that he must be under constant supervision, because he is a fickle person and prone to betrayal. This dream also means that you are afraid to show weakness and femininity, you need to control literally everything. Relax, feel your feminine essence.

Dream about my father's broken car

Why do you dream about your father's broken car? The dream warns that you may lose his trust. Don't worry, this will be temporary and will not affect your relationship with him in the future. Just try to show maximum tact now and weigh every word you say.

Dream about broken glass in a car

Why do you dream of broken glass in a car? A similar dream seen by a man shows that in reality he is afraid of losing something important. Men are owners, so this affects them painfully

Also, such a dream can mean impotence and helplessness due to the loss of male energy, these are worries about passing youth.

Interpretation from other dream books

Finally, I would like to say what a similar dream means according to other dream books. For example, according to Tsvetkov. If a person sees a broken car and tries to get rid of the remains and consequences of an accident, then this is probably a sign of a new addition to the family. Seeing a car in a deplorable state in the forest is a sign of improving relationships. If a couple constantly swears, quarrels and makes scandals, all this will soon end. But if in a dream the car ended up in a ravine, then this is the opposite of all of the above. When you see a broken car window, this is a good sign. This means that the dreamer will soon find something to his liking.

Well, in general, if a person dreamed of something similar - an accident, an accident - you shouldn’t make yourself feel bad about it. Of course, you should be more careful on the road - it won't hurt. Still, there are people who have prophetic dreams. But in fact, such visions can be a signal from the subconscious. Maybe the person saw an accident the day before, or heard a story related to an accident or dangerous incidents with cars. Or he is simply afraid of getting into an accident - so the subconscious gave away his fear in the form of a dream. In any case, you shouldn't worry too much. You just need to listen to this sign, look at the interpretation and draw conclusions. This will be the right decision.

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Favorable Omens

In some cases, a similar dream foreshadows favorable events. As Vanga’s dream book says, consider black car after a car accident means positive news. You will receive news about distant relatives who have been living in another country for a long time.

A white car in a dream in a similar state predicts: you will meet old friends and have a nice time with them. Someone else's car in the snow, according to the dream book, indicates the appearance of something new. If there were a large number of such vehicles, expect major updates, even those that you have long dreamed of.

Trying to remove a car from the road in a dream means adding to the family. When you dreamed that it was located in the forest, the spouses would make peace after a major conflict.

Dreaming of a white car

Why do you dream of a white car? What will the dream book tell us about this? A white car is a harbinger of pleasant events. This mainly applies to love relationships. But it can also symbolize good luck in the business sphere.

A white car means joy, pleasant emotions caused by the successes of people close to you.

If a young girl dreams of a white car, then soon she may meet her chosen one, “a prince on a white horse.”

For a man, such a dream means career growth and advancement in financial matters. If the car is broken or broken, then the path to success will be quite difficult and you will have to face some obstacles.

Interpretation of this dream in various dream books

Miller's Dream Book

To the question “why do you dream about a broken car,” Miller’s dream book answers: if in a dream you saw a person you don’t know breaking into a car, you can help someone resolve a difficult dispute and defend your position. If you personally crash the car, then be prepared for the fact that your envious people will show activity, which will be fraught with problems and troubles that are difficult to resolve. If you are the driver in the dream, it means that your plans include revenge on someone. And before you implement it, think carefully, because you can harm yourself first. Don't overstep your boundaries.

Vanga's Dream Book

A dream about a broken car, according to the seer Vanga, is a bad sign; being an observer of this action means the plans are thwarted. The plan will not come true.

Often the happy owner of a car constantly worries about it, so as not to break the car, so that it is not stolen or scratched.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book deciphers such visions as a good sign. A cheerful wedding awaits you; the couple in love is promised a bright and joyful future in their family circle. If someone you know is driving the broken car, then a meeting with old friends is possible. Plus, you may receive an interesting offer from one of them, which will be a godsend for you.

Freud's Dream Book

Men associate a car with a woman, so a dream about a broken car speaks of the fear of losing a loved one. Most likely, life was already heading towards a separation, or the man was simply not very confident in himself, in his masculinity.

Spring dream book

In this dream book, a car breakdown foreshadows the disruption of a planned trip.

Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of Dreams Alphabetically

Search for an image from a dream you saw on the site:

Popular searches: Hospital, Strawberries, Flies, Flood, Spider Web, Newborn Baby, Fleas, Eggs, Grapes…

Dream interpretation by numbers and days of the week

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

Autumn dream book

Summer dream book

Here, a similar dream signifies a quarrel with people who have power and influence.

Hoffa's Dream Interpretation

This dream book warns that ill-wishers will soon reveal themselves. Close people can betray, and intrigues from colleagues are possible. Bizes - the idea risks being stolen by competitors, and the deal being disrupted. Be careful and be aware of your surroundings. If you remember who crashed your car, then most likely he will be the cause of the problems. If you crash a car, it means that in real life you want to cash in on other people’s successes, but this will not lead to anything good. Sometimes such a dream means that you will recoup past grievances. If you were simply a witness to the accident, mediation in the dispute is possible.

Dream Interpretation of Frederick Perls

The dreamer experiences helplessness and insecurity. You crashed an expensive car and you couldn’t do anything - an unstable situation in life, fear of change. If the vehicle was subsequently repaired, then in reality you will face a stressful situation, the solution to which will be easy and simple.

Dream Interpretation Horney

The interpretation of female and male dream options may differ. For a woman, such a dream suggests that she is trying to control too much, to be aware of everything. As a rule, dreams with such a plot are dreamed by iron ladies who will always find something to answer to the offender.


The symbolism of our dreams allows us to receive clues regarding our future actions. Heeding the warnings will allow you to adjust events according to your plans.

Dream Interpretation - Car, car

Luck in current affairs, success in all endeavors and lucrative offers.
Getting out of the car - the results of your efforts may soon result in a result that will satisfy you.
Avoid a car accident - you will prevail over your opponents.
Buying a car in a dream means a high and strong position in society awaits you.
Driving a car - your plans will come true in the near future.
Being a passenger in a car means you will receive the support of an influential person that you were counting on.
Imagine that a car is driving onto a wide, flat road. Traveling in a car gives you pleasure. Your loved one is sitting next to you.
Car accident - scandals, quarrels, collapse of hopes.
You are the cause of the accident - the cause of troubles in your life - excessive self-confidence and unreasonable independence.
You were hit by a car - expect trouble at work.
During an accident, passengers were thrown to the side of the road - conflicts and quarrels will lead to a sharp break in relations with business partners or a loved one.
The brakes failed - you let things take their course, which led to a loss of control in managing circumstances.
Imagine that after the accident no one was injured. Your car is insured: you know that all losses will be returned to you.
Nevertheless, the dream suggests that you should analyze your behavior, especially if it is associated with excessive self-confidence and disregard for the opinions of others.
Losing a car means shocks await you that will dramatically change your life.
Selling a car means hopes for changes in life will not come true.
A car has broken down or is being repaired - complications on the way to family well-being.
If your car is stolen, your plans on which your future depends will be thwarted.
Searching for a missing car means disappointment in love is inevitable.
Imagine that instead of a lost car you bought a new luxury car.
Look at it and smell the new interior. Get into it and take a ride along a flat, wide road. All thoughts about breakdowns and losses remain far in the past.

Dream Interpretation - Machine mechanism

Seeing cars in a dream foretells that you will undertake a project that will cause you great anxiety, but in the end it will be useful to you.
Seeing an old car is a sign that your enemies will surpass you in your efforts to ensure their well-being.
Being pulled into a running machine is a harbinger of business losses and the beginning of a series of near misfortunes. This dream generally foreshadows losses from unsuccessful transactions.
In general, seeing a working mechanism in a dream promises you serious difficulties in many endeavors, and at the same time promises the support of friends.
A broken car portends the loss of friends.
If you dream of a fire truck, this promises you anxiety and worry associated with an emergency. If a young lady is racing in a fire truck in a dream, she should be careful in order to avoid participating in an unpleasant business.

2Dream books

  • To see a broken car of a friend, father or sister, that is, someone specific, in a dream, means that they should beware of long trips, because they can end quite disastrously. Try to dissuade them from going on a long journey, and find weighty arguments for this, because not everyone believes in the stuff of dreams.
  • To see an accident, a broken car and yourself unharmed in it means that in life, despite all the troubles and difficulties, you will be able to get out of them, so to speak, dry.
  • Seeing a broken red car means that your blood relatives will have serious financial difficulties, and you are the one who should help them solve these problems, karma will thank you for this, it’s not for nothing that you are seeing this dream.
  • If in a dream you caused someone else's car to crash, it means that in life other people may suffer due to your stupidity, so before you make any decision. Think carefully about whether you are doing the right thing and whether your decision will harm others.
  • As it became clear from the information listed above, in few cases a broken car can mean something good and, like any broken thing, it does not promise anything positive and joyful to the sleeper. Despite this, you should not take dreams too seriously, because no one can be sure why exactly the consciousness and brain produced such a picture in your dream.

1Interpretation of sleep

When deciphering dreams, it is necessary to take into account all the factors that can affect the result of the interpretation, so every detail will be important here: the size of the car, its color, the people in it, the driver, etc. So, let's start analyzing the available interpretations:

If in a dream you clearly see a broken car, unfortunately, in reality you will have to prepare for serious troubles and difficulties that will soon appear on your way. You need to prepare for the problems that await you ahead, analyze all your actions, decisions must be made thoughtfully. Don’t be in a hurry and don’t say anything unnecessary to anyone.

  • Driving in a broken car in a dream means you will not achieve your goals, no matter how hard you try, no matter how much money you invest. In the near future, you can’t count on your goals being achieved or your desires being translated into real life. In this case, the implementation of your plans may be possible only after you adjust all your plans and methods of achieving them.
  • If you crashed your car while you were on the road, then danger, and a serious one, awaits you very soon. She can wait anywhere: at home, on the street, on the road, at work, in general, be attentive and careful, this dream is a bad sign and a harbinger of unpleasant events.
  • If in a dream you are repairing a broken car, this is a very good sign, which means that you are aware of all your mistakes and wrong actions and will be able to achieve what you want, moreover, in all areas of your life.
  • If in a dream there are a large number of broken cars in front of your eyes. In real life, a lot of troubles will fall on you at one moment, and you will have to deal with them alone, because you have no one to expect help from, your supposed friends will immediately turn away after they find out about the amount of your troubles.
  • If you see someone else's broken car, then in reality you will witness the big problems of someone close to you, and, unfortunately, you will not be able to help him solve them, no matter how hard you try.

Interpretation of Miller's dream book

  1. A damaged car promises the loss of a friend. A difference of opinion and your lack of compromise will lead to this. Learn to respect the point of view of the person next to you. He has his own life experience, and he does not have to live up to your expectations. It’s not for nothing that they say that in order not to be disappointed in your loved ones, you shouldn’t be enchanted.
  2. If the dreamer survived a car accident, but saw from the outside how badly his vehicle was damaged, the person will have to avoid communicating with a stranger who does not share his point of view on the current circumstances.

Read also:

Slavic dream book

  • Any accident in a dream- a very unfavorable prediction. In this case, you should prepare for some unexpected unpleasant events.
  • You managed to avoid an accident- you will be able to get out of any unpleasant situation with honor.
  • The accident happened before your eyes- some unpleasant events will happen in life, but you will not suffer big losses. If in a dream you only dreamed of the consequences of a disaster, try not to rely on other people in real life
  • If a young unmarried woman has such a dream, then it is quite possible that she finds it difficult to choose between her admirers and is afraid of making a mistake.

Analysis of what was seen in the most famous dream books

A broken car seen in a dream foreshadows a number of problems. Possible troubles can overtake a person at work, in the family circle or in relationships with lovers. The meaning will vary depending on the dream interpreter.

If you dreamed of a broken car

Freud's interpretation

  • Seeing a broken windshield in your dreams is a hint of a person’s subconscious fears sexually. Most often, in a dream in this way, the dreamer compensates for complexes regarding sexual dysfunction or the size of the genital organs.
  • The psychoanalyst's dream book interprets the tense emotional state of the driver of a broken car as fear of the unknown, death. Such a dream signals an overstrain of the brain due to stress and physical fatigue.
  • Did you dream about a huge number of breakdowns in your car? The present is preparing an unpleasant surprise for you in the workplace.
  • If during the dream process a man is constantly trying to fix breakdowns in a “damaged” car, then his consciousness strives to get rid of family quarrels and constant reproaches.

Vision according to Miller's dream book

As Miller’s dream book says: a broken car seen in a dream, regardless of the owner, foreshadows the dreamer’s loss of friends. A broken windshield hints at betrayal on the part of loved ones, which you will definitely learn about.

Did you dream that you survived the accident, but the car was not badly damaged? You can safely begin to translate your plans into reality.

Although enemies will try to do harm, their plans will not be crowned with success.

Broken car according to the Modern Dream Book

Why do you dream about a broken windshield?

  • A dream with a broken car is a sign of trouble. Someone you know will find themselves in an unpleasant situation.
  • The modern dream book hints: leaving the scene of an accident in a dream, even in a damaged but moving vehicle, means solving impending financial issues.
  • Seeing a battered car with no windshield from the outside promises weeding out ill-wishers.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing yourself driving a car in a dream speaks of your active lifestyle, as well as success in your planned activities.

Getting into a car accident in a dream means encountering failures in your entertainment. Therefore, you should not expect pleasant emotions from your planned vacation. If the accident was somehow avoided, this is a favorable sign. In this case, you will be lucky enough to avoid clashing views with your ill-wishers.

What else can the dream book tell us about? Driving a car is a symbol of injustice, because of which you will be forced to make concessions. In this case, losses are possible. Jumping out or being thrown out of a car while moving is a sign of troubles and troubles in life. A broken car is also not a good sign; may mean loss of relationships between loved ones and friends.

Seeing cars passing by in a dream means changes in life, long journeys, trips.

The dream book can tell you a lot more. portends major failures in business, cancellation of planned events that could affect the future.

Getting out of the car is a favorable sign that guarantees successful completion of tasks and satisfaction from them.

An old car portends that rivals may outstrip you in material and other matters.

Seeing a car engine in a dream means you should expect some difficulties that you will encounter. But true friends will come to the rescue. If the engine is faulty, then the loss of loved ones is possible.

Why do you dream about a car?

Let's look into the dream book. A car in a dream means your self-esteem in reality; the state of your affairs, how they are progressing; the nature of the events that are developing around; significant moments. Everything that is in one way or another connected with a car symbolizes the dreamer’s attitude towards himself, towards his life priorities.

Much depends on the brand of the car you see, which determines the situation at the moment. If in reality a person is used to driving, say, a BMW, but in a dream he sees a Moskvich, then this foreshadows some difficulties in life, troubles at work and in financial matters. If, on the contrary, you dream of an expensive foreign car instead of an old used car, this promises a climb up the career ladder, success in some business, and a way out of a difficult situation.

A broken car speaks of self-doubt; a person is too biased about his actions, often finds fault with himself and makes excuses.

What else can the dream book tell you about? A broken car is a warning about danger, troubles, difficulties or losses.

Riding in a car next to the driver or in the back means that a person is wavering in his decisions, certain matters, and is at a crossroads. Such a dream foreshadows uncertainty in one’s own actions. Choosing the right decision will depend on someone else who will influence the path forward.

What does a dream in which you find yourself in the driver's seat portend? Let's look into the dream book. People who are self-confident, persistent in their goals see themselves driving a car in a dream, they strive in every possible way to achieve them. If you move at high speed, this indicates persistence in trying to get what you want. In this case, the person does not pay attention to any obstacles and drives along the precisely planned path. But low speed indicates uncertainty in your choice.

Freud's Dream Book

A dream in which it is not the car that is broken, but the windshield - on a subconscious level, a person is tormented by the fear of sexual life or some of its individual “episodes”. Usually a person who dreamed of a broken windshield has complexes about the size of the genital organ or because of uncertainty in your capabilities.

The tension of the driver of a broken car in a dream is interpreted as a kind of fear of the unknown or the inevitable - death. Rest will be useful: your brain is too overworked due to constant thinking, and your body needs recovery.

The car is not exactly broken, but simply needs major repairs due to a bunch of breakdowns and is very dented - some difficulties await you at work, which fate has prepared for you.

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A dream in which a man is diligently trying to fix a breakdown in a broken car, what does it mean? This is how the subconscious tries to throw out unnecessary thoughts about constant quarrels in the family and reproaches in his direction.

What was the plot of the dream

The semantic message of night dreams will depend on the accompanying details and the dream scenario. Seeing your own broken car is a bad symbol that speaks of mental imbalance, and an expensive, unfamiliar, damaged sports car hints at an increase in the dreamer’s capital. Taking into account small nuances, it will be possible to find out the message sent at night.

There was an accident

If there was an accident, but all the parts and the windshield survived, then the present will be safe

Such dreams can occur before making important decisions, for example: a wedding, an exam, or signing an important contract. In reality, it’s worth taking a risk and agreeing to favorable terms of the deal

A beaten-up car thrown to the side of the road will tell about problems in mutual understanding between relatives and the fading of feelings among lovers.

You are the driver

    If in a dream a girl was driving her husband’s car and accidentally crashed it, then this will serve as a sign

    Create an accident in a dream

    mistrust. One of the couple is trying to hide something.

  • When you deliberately crash a car while driving, this indicates suicidal tendencies. With such obsessive dreams, it is better to seek help from professional psychologists.
  • Did you dream that you bought a brand new car, but it turned out to be broken? Pay attention to your lifestyle. Due to high psychological stress and poor nutrition, illnesses can appear.

The dreamer was not driving

  • When, in a dream scenario, you see someone else’s beat-up car and refuse to drive in it, then in reality you will be able to avoid financial losses.
  • Did you dream that a stranger was driving your husband’s car? Most likely, a crisis has come in your relationship with your significant other. If the car is broken, this may signal the appearance of a rival.
  • Did your friend who was in the driver's seat damage the windshield? Check your friends, there may be a traitor among them who will reveal your secrets.

Unfamiliar vehicle

I dreamed of someone else's broken car

An unfamiliar broken car that cannot be repaired will tell about the accumulation of unresolved problems, and broken glass that hurt your hand will be a symbol of an unpleasant emotional state due to piled-up matters.

A dream where you are in a junkyard of old, battered vehicles is a sign that in conflicts and quarrels sometimes you need to compromise.

Work, profit

Did you dream of someone else's broken car? The dreamer has many competitors who are opposed to him. Working under such conditions will take all his strength, harming his family.

Seeing your vehicle broken down in a dream means: some serious obstacles will arise on the way to your goal. If it can still be repaired, according to the dream book, it will be possible to overcome adversity and the plan will come true. When it is impossible to restore the car, it is better to abandon the intended goal so that losses are minimal.

Did you dream about a lot of broken cars? According to the dream book, there is a high probability of financial collapse. The dreamer's enemies will do everything to harm you and leave you without funds.

Car after an accident

Much to your surprise, a broken car in a dream does not always portend trouble. For example, looking at an overturned car means the defeat of competitors. This is a very favorable sign for the dreamer.

However, when you dream of your own broken car, this is not good - it is a sign of serious trials in the future. To prevent trouble, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons, think through the way to implement your plans and foresee possible obstacles.

The accuracy of the interpretation of the image of a broken car also depends on what you saw:

  • individual parts of the body were broken;
  • repair a car after an accident;
  • see someone else's/your car;
  • many broken cars in the parking lot.

If there was windshield broken, dream books warn of the danger of an accident in the near future. If glass broke- to loss, rearview mirror dreams of broken hopes. If you replaced broken glass after an accident, in reality you will be able to correct the mistakes you made and straighten out the situation.

See a lot of broken cars- you will be surrounded by problems on all sides. You will have to strain all your mental strength to resist the circumstances. One damaged car symbolizes obstacles on the way to your goals. Repairing a car after a disaster- the opportunity to correct your mistakes. If the car cannot be repaired, it is better to abandon your plans.

Why do you dream about being broken? friend's car? The dream denotes an upcoming conflict with this person. Seeing my husband's car- he will blame you for his failures. See your father's car- to disagreement with him. Broken someone else's car portends the emergence of competitors. Also, someone else’s car can warn of problems in the dreamer’s family: you spend too much time solving other people’s problems, forgetting about your family.

What does it mean to dream in which you were driving a broken car? This is a warning to leave the implementation of plans for later. Now the circumstances are not for the better, so the implementation of the plan is impossible. If you refuse to drive a broken car, in reality it will be possible to avoid financial losses.

If car falls off a cliff and breaks, soon a series of troubles will begin in the dreamer’s life. According to dream books, a car falling into the water means troubles in the personal sphere.

Modern dream book

Let's take a look at the modern dream book. A car, driving a car is a symbol of life changes. In this case, you will be overcome by anxiety and excitement, despite the fact that everything is going quite well. There is also the possibility of trouble from those close to you.

The accident indicates that the dreamer will not be able to fully implement his plans and enjoy the entertainment. If a catastrophe was avoided, then in reality you will be able to defeat your competitors and not get caught in the networks they have set.

Looking for your own car is a disappointment in real life.

2 Vehicle features

Many dream books invite readers to remember what type of broken car it was in a dream:

  1. 1. When a real car is involved in a collision, the interpretation comes down to quick material waste that will not bring any pleasure or benefit. And also for future quarrels in the family or discord in the relationships of friends.
  2. 2. If the car looks like a cartoon character or no one you know has such a vehicle, then trouble should be expected in business. At the same time, dream books advise postponing the implementation of important plans for a more appropriate time.
  3. 3. When an old car gets into an accident in a dream, then for men this is a sign of imminent sexual impotence, and for women - problems with the genitourinary system.

When a lover’s car is involved in an accident in a dream, attention is paid to the severity of the damage:

  • if the headlights are broken: there is a lot of gossip about the girl, but the young man will be convinced that this is fiction, and everything will be fine;
  • when the windshield breaks: such a sign foreshadows a real malfunction of the vehicle, or the guy will soon face a serious illness;
  • If you had to drive a broken car in a dream, then you should expect large material costs.

All dream books come down to one opinion about dreams involving an ambulance or the sound of a siren. Such a sign says that the dreamer’s heart will soon be broken or the dreamer will be betrayed by friends.

If a car is smashed to pieces in a dream, such a symbol foreshadows a complete breakdown in love or friendships that cannot be restored.

Many dream books advise that after sleeping with a broken car, try not to get into any conflicts at home or at work. Thus, the dreamer will be able to avoid sad consequences, save his family and not lose a friend.

Car color

white car

Grishina's dream book promises a girl a long-awaited meeting with a guy who, most likely, will be her destiny. Quite fast career growth for a man. It will be a little difficult to achieve anything if this car is totaled or damaged. However, despite some difficulties and obstacles, the result will be successful.

A white car is involved in an accident - a good meaning of the dream; soon you will rejoice at the successes and skills of your family or friends.

If you are involved in a car accident and hit someone with it, this is a sign that you need help. Contact your friends or loved ones - they will not leave you without help.

Red car

A woman dreams of a broken red car if she has been subjected to violence in her family life. Her subconscious is doing all it can to get rid of thoughts about her past life with a man.

A red car broken in an accident promises danger, problems and losses. Almost all dream books give this definition of sleep. Competitors will start pestering you, and life will not be so calm. If any danger overtakes you, you will be very indecisive in the face of it. Another dream book claims that such a dream promises failure in love affairs. The accident was miraculously avoided - the troubles and problems will not be yours, but they will not bypass you, but will hurt you a little, but will not be painful.

To make the interpretation more accurate, you should remember on what day you had this dream. How did you feel when you had the accident or saw it happen? Knowing all these details, it will be possible to more accurately decipher what you saw in your dream.

Other colors

Black color. There is a high probability that soon one of your friends or loved ones will suffer due to an accident, most likely with a fatal outcome. You will not be able to come to your senses for a very long time due to the loss of this person.

Blue color. A bird on its tail will bring unpleasant news. They will be connected with their other half. Probably, a break in your relationship awaits you, or your children will have problems at school and there will be a question of their expulsion.

Green color. This color is very positive, a symbol of hope, tranquility and a thirst for adventure in quiet and beautiful lands. If in the dream there was a broken green car, the next planned trip is cancelled.

Yellow. Gypsies believe that this color is a symbol of family unity. This color carries happiness and hope. And if you happen to see an accident with a yellow car, then there will be troubles and quarrels in the family.

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Freud's Dream Book

A car seen in a dream is realized in itself. If you dreamed of an expensive and luxurious foreign car, then in real life a person is completely satisfied with himself, with his successes in love affairs. The presence of several cars indicates the presence of several sexual partners in reality.

Driving at high speed indicates satisfaction in sexual relations. Slow movement portends uncertainty in choosing a partner.

If you caught a passing car in a dream, this indicates irregular sexual contacts.

Repairing vehicles indicates an irresistible desire for sexual intercourse. Repairing a faulty car portends the development of an inferiority complex.

Deliberately breaking your own car means you are ready to achieve your goal by any means.

Driving into the garage means enjoying physical intimacy.

Being in a car in an open space (field, highway, etc.) means worrying about upcoming sexual relations with a partner.

An old or broken car speaks of sexual diseases or problems in this area.

Getting hit by a car portends physical intimacy.

Dream about a red car

Why do you dream about a red car? What does the dream book say about this? A red car symbolizes spiritual development, as well as your activity in business. Red color is a harbinger of love, romantic relationships or simply love affairs. Perhaps in the near future the dreamer will be able to meet his soul mate.

But a red car can also symbolize aggression. Therefore, in reality you need to be prepared for obstacles from envious people.

The color red can also mean decisiveness in one's actions.

Driving such a vehicle at high speed in a dream means having excessive success with members of the opposite sex.

When in a dream a person sees himself driving a vehicle, but in real life he doesn’t even have a license, then such a dream speaks of enormous potential and even the presence of an entrepreneurial streak. You just need to discover such abilities in yourself.

According to Freud’s dream book, a red car means that you are already an adult, self-sufficient person, ready for a relationship with a partner and starting a family.

In Miller’s dream book, a red car is interpreted as a warning sign that it is too early for a person to enter adulthood and marry a partner.

Hasse's dream book interprets a red car as material freedom, financial independence. In the near future it will be possible to receive a large salary that can cover all your expenses.

According to Nostradamus’s dream book, if a girl sees a red car, then in reality she is influenced by her tyrant husband. If a married woman sees such a dream, then this may mean a short-term romance that is doomed to failure.

When a man dreams of a red car, this indicates an increase in the level of intimate life. A young man should be more attentive to various temptations.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

What interesting things will this dream book tell us? A car symbolizes the beginning of a business.

Coping with the control of a car means being successful in your endeavors. Driving a car badly means making mistakes.

Driving fast is a risk.

Having an accident is a favorable resolution of cases.

Falling out of a car while driving means putting your life in danger.

Getting into or out of a car means persecution is possible.

If you dreamed that another person was driving a car, then such a dream symbolizes dependence on others. This may mean that you are constantly being directed and pushed towards certain actions and decisions.

3 Car color

When interpreting dreams with a broken car, it is worth considering the color of the vehicle:

  1. 1. Red is the color of passion and emotions. If a red car is broken in a dream, then you can expect betrayal from a loved one.
  2. 2. White is the color of stability and balance. If a white car is broken in a dream, you should expect trouble in your relationship with your parents or lover, and you also need to postpone solving important problems for a more appropriate time.
  3. 3. Black is the color of sadness and sorrow. If you dream of a black car that was involved in an accident, then you should expect good luck at work and in your personal life. Any undertaking during this period will be successful.
  4. 4. Blue is the color of worries and anxiety. When a blue car crashes near your house in a dream, you can expect improvements in family relationships.

Prepare for the Challenge

Why do you dream about your own broken car? The dream book informs you that in the near future expect major troubles. Think over your own plans and options for their implementation as best as possible, so as not to be deceived. Driving a broken car - it’s worth postponing until later the implementation of some ideas - at the moment they are not achievable. It is permissible to implement them with only slight adjustments.

When in a dream the front window of a car breaks during a car accident, the dream warns of troubles on the road. Glass breaking into pieces in a car means: the dreamer will face an unexpected loss. Mirrors are a failure of ideas.

If, as a result of the accident, you later need to replace the broken glass in your car, you will understand your past mistakes and do everything possible to fix everything.

A large number of damaged cars after a car accident in a dream means numerous troubles will surround you on all sides. It is necessary not to give up, but to constantly struggle to find the right way out of this situation - only in this way can you bypass it, or turn it in your direction with its inherent benefit.

Psychological aspect of interpretation

Psychologists believe that the image of a car in a dream is a reflection of a person’s qualities. An expensive, beautiful car symbolizes self-confidence and a correct assessment of one’s capabilities. Respectively, a broken car reflects inner self-doubts, uncertainty and complexes.

Also, a broken car can mean a conflict with friends due to a misunderstanding, a “broken” relationship. A dump of broken cars expresses the dreamer's reluctance to compromise in a relationship.: Reconsider your position. A faulty engine can portend the loss of loved ones.

If you intentionally crash your car in your dream, this indicates suicidal tendencies. In this case, dream interpretation will not help: a consultation with a psychotherapist is necessary. If you dream that you purchased a new car, which unexpectedly turned out to be broken, stress and psychological stress can lead to depression.

Crashing into someone else's car in a dream - watch your actions and words, do not offend your loved ones with your actions and statements.

Challenges Ahead

A badly damaged car foreshadows difficulties. The dreamer, before making important decisions, needs to determine the main goal. Otherwise, the results he receives will not live up to expectations and will not bring happiness.

If in your night dreams you happened to be traveling in a car with a damaged windshield, the dreamer will have the idea to change the ways of making your dream come true. The oracle advises - for now, give up drastic actions, wait a while. Everything has its time.

The plot, in which a car was damaged during a collision with another car, warns - be careful on the road. Don't fly at all speeds, follow the traffic rules. If the glass shatters, a major loss cannot be avoided. A mirror that breaks symbolizes the collapse of hopes and unfulfilled dreams.

Why do you dream of a broken car in which the dreamer is changing the glass? Previous errors will be corrected. Seeing a lot of broken cars on the road means problems will begin to appear one after another. It may seem to the sleeper in reality that they are unsolvable. The authors of dream books recommend not to fold your hands and make your own destiny.

A way out of the situation can only be found after careful consideration of the situation. As a result, the period will prove useful and teach a lesson for the future.

Opinion of other dream books

Freud's Dream Book compares the image of a car to a man's penis. Accordingly, if you dream that you crash a car, there will be problems with potency. Repairing a car means dreaming about sexual encounters. However, difficult vehicle repairs indicate the development of complexes in men in relationships with women. In some cases, a broken or old car indicates a disease of the genital organs.

A broken windshield symbolizes fear of sexual intercourse, self-doubt and feelings of inferiority. A completely broken own car expresses the dreamer’s fear of life and death, an inadequate perception of reality. Multiple breakdowns symbolize problems in the workplace. Regularly repairing a car in a dream is an attempt to get rid of family scandals and reproaches from the wife.

Miller's Dream Book warns of a quarrel with friends. Perhaps you will soon lose your friends with whom you had long-term relationships. Broken windshield - expect betrayal of a loved one. If the car is not badly damaged after the accident, the machinations of the enemies will not be successful.

Modern dream book considers the image of a broken car in a dream a sign of trouble. Trouble will arise among people from your immediate environment. However, if you managed to drive away from the scene of the accident in a broken car after an accident, then you will be able to overcome financial problems in the future. Seeing a car without a windshield means getting rid of enemies.

Women's dream book warns: if you are constantly haunted by a broken car in your dreams, a low-income contender for your hand and heart will soon appear. It's up to you to choose whether to respond to his feelings or not.

Be strong, your problems will soon disappear

The newest dream book interprets what it means to dream of destroying your own car as a harbinger of disappointment and the collapse of illusions. The girl’s dream image speaks of the likelihood of experiencing shocks due to the fault of a close loved one, which may entail separation from him.

But why you dream of breaking your former car is explained by the Universal Interpreter as the subconscious desire of the sleeping person to put an end to his past, forget old grievances and renounce burdensome ties.

For a girl, a dream in which she crashed a car indicates a manifestation of rebellion, an internal refusal to obey her chosen one, a desire to prove her own importance. The vision warns that the manifestation of impulsiveness and negative feelings and pride is fraught with serious and irreversible consequences.

A little about the car

In general, it shows a person’s business activity, prestige and standard of living. Often, a person who bought a car and often drives it, not only in his dreams, begins to associate himself with the iron horse and can no longer live without it. Karmically, he personifies himself, more precisely, business activity, actions and orientation. Therefore, a broken car of an acquaintance or friend means the collapse of his activities, health, life goals, and sometimes a new stage in life or the death of himself. After such a dream, the dream book writes that you need to be more careful on the road and cancel long trips if possible, as the likelihood of getting into a car accident increases.

Having your own broken car without people and fellow travelers means the collapse of affairs and plans, sometimes business and activities. In some cases, the dream book writes that you are in real danger.

But to understand the meaning of such an incident in a dream, pay attention to whether it was your real car or from a dream world. . In the first case, expect specific material losses, dismissal from work, an illness that can put you to bed for a long time, or the collapse of family relationships

In the second, reality will prevent ideal plans from coming true. Expect severe disappointment or obvious defeat in some business or activity.

In the first case, expect specific material losses, dismissal from work, an illness that can put you to bed for a long time, or the collapse of family relationships. In the second, reality will prevent ideal plans from coming true. Expect severe disappointment or obvious defeat in some business or activity.

Why dream that the car of your friend, lover or acquaintance, which you are used to driving when you meet, crashed in a dream? The dream book writes that such a dream predicts changes in the relationship with him, troubles with his car (it may actually crash, disappear or be sold) or he will suggest breaking up or simply disappear from your life.

Sometimes the dream book interprets the crash of the car that you are used to driving when you are dating as a break in relations with him, an unhappy love. Therefore, getting into an accident in a dream on the way to a familiar place is always a bad sign. The accident may not happen to you, but it will end a real relationship.

And finally, a broken car of a friend or acquaintance predicts unexpected changes, news about her and troubles for her. Collapse is possible both in business and in personal life.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

The dream in which you see an accident can very soon become prophetic

It is very important what feelings prevailed when you woke up. If you remember with a shudder all the details of the disaster, you are tormented by fear of the inevitable, then you should refrain from traveling by car for some time or be extremely careful while driving

Sometimes fate shows us exactly the day of the accident in the form of a clock dial or a calendar, or according to some other signs known to it and to you, with a certain amount of effort. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the day and hour of a possible disaster.

  • Symbolic meaning of dream about a car accident may be a harbinger of a major failure in business or disappointment in your personal life.
  • If in dream you have an accident in a car, then you will be disappointed with some entertainment event or meeting with friends.
  • if you managed to dodge and not crash the car, which means you can quickly resolve all conflicts or clashes with ill-wishers.
  • If you see yourself in a car on a road you know well, then you should be doubly careful. It is very possible that you will fail while performing habitual and automatic actions. This can turn all your plans upside down and put an end to your career.

A broken car is a symbol of a tragedy that can take a person’s life. Such a dream can cause a number of negative thoughts and experiences, but you shouldn’t get upset in advance; first, you should correctly interpret what you saw.

Why do you dream of a broken car?

Such a dream is a good sign that promises positive changes in life. This can affect any area, perhaps it’s time to make yours a reality. A wrecked car catches fire, which means that troubles await you ahead, which will be connected with preparations for some kind of holiday.

The interpretation of dreams about a broken car also depends on the color of the car. If it was white, then such a dream can be considered a warning that trouble may happen to one of your close relatives or friends. A broken black car predicts problems with ill-wishers at work. Various gossip can negatively affect your life. Another such dream foreshadows the receipt of good news. A dream in which a wrecked car was painted blue warns of various anxieties. They will have a connection with their loved one.

In a dream, you see a broken car and try to remove it from the road, perhaps you should prepare for a new addition to the family. If you saw a mutilated car in the forest, it means that there will be peace and prosperity in your relationship with your partner. A dream in which the car was in a ravine can be interpreted as the approaching scandals in a relationship with a loved one. Breaking someone else's car in a dream means that in the future you will be surrounded by competitors and ill-wishers. For representatives of the fair sex, such a dream promises problems in the family. A dream in which you saw a broken car window will tell you that soon your horizons will expand and you will find a new activity.

A car has long ceased to be a luxury, but has become a necessary means of transportation. It occupies our thoughts, and having a dream about your broken car is not at all uncommon. What does he foretell for us?

As usual, different dream books interpret it differently dream about an accident, and in order to understand the predictions of fate, you need to remember all the details of the dream and then, perhaps, you will be able to find out your future.

In the modern dream book, a dream about an accident is considered a harbinger of serious difficulties in all areas of your life. You should look around and analyze your goals so as not to be deceived in your expectations later.

If you are driving a broken car- you are in too much of a hurry to implement your plans, you need to wait a little and wait for time. Today your goals are unrealistic.

You are driving a car and see that the windshield has broken in an accident - be careful while driving, you may soon get into a serious accident.

If the glass completely shatters from the impact, a large material loss will soon await you. A mirror breaks - your plans for the near future have collapsed.

Dream, in where you see the accident, will very soon become prophetic. It is very important what feelings prevailed when you woke up. If you remember with a shudder all the details of the disaster, you are tormented by fear of the inevitable, then you should refrain from traveling by car for some time or be extremely careful while driving.

Sometimes fate shows us exactly the day of the accident in the form of a clock dial or a calendar, or according to some other signs known to it and to you, with a certain amount of effort. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the day and hour of a possible disaster.
  • Symbolic meaning of dream about a car accident may be a harbinger of a major failure in business or disappointment in your personal life.
  • If in dream you have an accident in a car, then you will be disappointed with some entertainment event or meeting with friends.
  • if you managed to dodge and not crash the car, which means you can quickly resolve all conflicts or clashes with ill-wishers.
  • If you see yourself in a car on a road you know well, then you should be doubly careful. It is very possible that you will fail while performing habitual and automatic actions. This can turn all your plans upside down and put an end to your career.

Slavic dream book

  • Any accident in a dream- a very unfavorable prediction. In this case, you should prepare for some unexpected unpleasant events.
  • You managed to avoid an accident- you will be able to get out of any unpleasant situation with honor.
  • The accident happened before your eyes- some unpleasant events will happen in life, but you will not suffer big losses. If in a dream you only dreamed of the consequences of a disaster, try not to rely on other people in real life
  • If a young unmarried woman has such a dream, then it is quite possible that she finds it difficult to choose between her admirers and is afraid of making a mistake.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing an accident in a dream to an all-consuming passion. Perhaps very soon you will meet a person for whom you will experience strong feelings that can destroy your established life.

Or maybe you will experience unforgettable moments of happiness, for which you don’t mind losing everything.

Spring dream book

  • Seeing an accident in a dream- to a change in relationship with your other half.
  • Car accident shows that you should be prepared for any unpleasant surprises in life. If you see a broken car, then rely only on yourself and do not believe that those around you are ready to selflessly help.
  • Seeing a car collision in a dream n - to divorce.
  • Crashing your own car– you will have to put a lot of effort into things to achieve success.

Summer dream book

  • Roll over the car- to strong passion.
  • Experience a direct car collision in a dream– you have a strong and dangerous enemy.
  • Getting out of a crumpled car- your efforts are useless, you will be very annoyed with yourself and those around you.

Autumn dream book

  • Suffer a serious accident yu - you will be disappointed in your loved ones, maybe you will have to endure betrayal.
  • Observe the accident from the side- to the collapse of all plans and hopes for the future.